来自网友【沙拉曼达铜】的评论著名的confession集。无数人为它落泪。我对这剧的喜爱一直是带有上帝视角玩笑态度的,就大白天吃快餐一样。但E09,尤其是在前期,那种吊人胃口的美感是致命的,让我有种在半夜偷偷去酒窖品酒的错觉。天晓得我是多么盼望有一集bones-centric的case;虽然我不喜欢这季brennan的发型,但是她依然美得惊人,physically和mentally都戳我的审美。作为100% BB shipper,当然是在看之前就被剧透光了,并且对观看体验有些担忧。事实上我对整个第六季的观看体验都很担忧;我看不得Brennan的泪眼,我看不得她脆弱中的坚强。虽然理性上我能冷静地分析Hannah arc,我喜欢Hannah(she is sooooo hot) 并且知道这糟糕的感情戏全怪HH和SN;但是感性上,我只想为Brennan哭。我能说什么呢?至少在我心中某个罪恶的角落,男人都是大猪蹄子,你长成DB那样都没用。你长成DB那样还用那双god damn hot的棕色眼睛朝我哭都没有用。我管你是不是个honorable man。I don’t care. You should not make your girl cry.不过这还是我目前Bones最喜欢的一集。我爱那份微妙的孤独感。大概是因为I got my own story, 而那份孤独,传递了过来。I damn wish Micah is real.
来自网友【严措】的评论Brennen:You know he difference between strength and imperviousness,right?Booth:No, not if you get scientific on me.Br:Well, err, a substance that is impervious to damage does not need to be strong. When you and I met, I was an impervious substance, now I am a strong substance.Bo:I think I get what you mean.Br:A time can come when you are not angry anymore and I am strong enough to resist losing my last imperviousness, maybe we can then try to be together.