曾经的纽约黑手党族长Dwight "The General" Manfredi在服刑25年后从监狱获释,却被自己老大流放去了俄克拉荷马州的塔尔萨。Dwight意识到自己的黑帮家族并没有考虑他的最佳利益,于是他从一群并非自己想象中的人物里,逐渐建立起了一个“团队”,来帮助他在一个彻头彻尾的陌生之地打造一个新的犯罪帝国。
来自网友【7cheer7】的评论声线迷人,演讲又有号召力:I have always thought of life as like this one way street,and you head down it,and as you do,it sort of disappears behind you,So you can only go one direction ,forward,and looking way down there,you see a city.But it is on fire.And it's red hot. You can't go back,once you have started this damn journey.You can only go forward. So you got two choices: 1.You get scared.You give up.And then you burn up. 2.You say fuck it!Fuck fear!And you barrel through it. And when you come out on the other side,I guarantee you, you're gonna be stronger than you ever thought possible.But none of this shit is ever gonna happen ,unless we all cover each other's backs,and we all become part of each other's family. We do that,I swear to you,we're gonna put this fire out,once and for all!