来自网友【光阴如歌】的评论简直不能再棒~看过了《年轻的维多利亚》,《皇室情缘》(维多利亚与阿尔伯特),每一部都在阐述着王子与公主的爱情这部itv的《维多利亚》更细细的描绘了王子与公主的惺惺相惜,有磨合期的争吵更有理解和宽容,把那个时代的英国宫廷风叙述的有滋有味共同进退Victoria有她的倔犟、孩子气,也有她的聪敏、女王范儿,Albert有他的一丝不苟、自卑,也有他的智慧、善良、进步思潮面对民众的爱戴,他们庄重不失亲和,面对臣属刁难,他们互相排忧解难、扶持鼓励,而于人后,他们视彼此为此生唯一,只愿做一对平凡的恩爱夫妻。女王给了王子应有的尊重,王子给了女王应有的包容,女王褪去了王子的严肃,王子改变了女王的固执,女王维护了王子的地位,王子保护了女王的生命。暖暖温情无论历史的真相究竟为何,漫漫时间长河里只有当事者能洞悉那时那刻的心境,在真情面前,所有的语言苍白无力唯愿相信,奉献毕生开辟新时代因而倍受赞誉的阿尔伯特亲王和统治帝国旷世持久创造盛世而被纪念至今的维多利亚女王,只是那个纯粹爱着她的Albert和那个直至他死后依然每日为他整理衣装的Victoria而已…唯愿,他和她仅是拥有Prince和Princess童话般爱情的Albert and Victoria……Finally, still remember, he said:“You are my queen.”
来自网友【婧殊】的评论刚刚看了两集 还可以 期待后续女主的成长 服化道具很OK 06-04 21:57 Finished. I think it’s in the end of Ep7 or 8. I saw Albert and Victoria working by the desk together. And he was reading. When he needed pen. I saw him directly took the pen from her hand. And she grabbed his hand. I would say they are the best soulmates of their time. I should admit, at the very beginning, I do think of Lord M as her best companion. But now I’m aware that her best match will always be Albert. I knew that Lord M saw her more like the queen and a young maid who needed love and care. They did care for each other. It’s just not pure love. Only Albert saw her as the apple of his eyes and a pure woman attractive to him. Like she said, they married only to please themselves. They are beautifull, the dresses, the ladies and all decrations and palaces. I think it is the beauty of these kind historical series. And also, I’d rather enjoy love story than political things which I’m afraid I would have to see a lot in the next season.