来自网友【'﹎|零¨ヰ】的评论人生分为两种There are only two ways to live your life.-种是仿佛没有任何奇迹存在One is as though nothing is a miracle.另一种是奇迹仿佛无所不在The other is as though everything is a miracle.我选择相信后者而且有充分的理由I choose to believe the latter, and for good reason.我母亲总是告诉我My mother is always reminding me,事情不像表面那么简单there is often more to things than meets the eye.只要我们用宏观思维看待人生That if we can zoom out a little,就会发现人生早有定数并非偶然we'll realize that life is happening for us, not to us.