来自网友【_心戚/7】的评论一直以为devi妈妈和des妈妈之间有百合线?结果怎么这样啊?是我一个人想多了吗?——————————————————“YOU’RE LOCKED INTO A VERY PARTICULAR DREAM. ”YEP WE DON’T HAVE TO. 😼😼LIFE FEELS LIKE A WILDERNESS FULL OF POSSIBILITIES. 第三集:美国能连上四个月的女权运动历史课;终于点到女主痛点LOVE YOURSELF 而不是无限的和别人比/自我怀疑;纯情长发男的初恋👍女主骂完前男友的新女友后:“女人发怒的时候也会考虑到别人受到压迫这个情况。”“Sorry. That wasn’t very feminist of me. I’m sure all the rumors about her were perpetuated by the patriarchy. [McEnroe] it’s interesting how women can’t rage without thinking about it in the context of other people’s oppression. I’m really happy that I’m a man. ”目前最爱的人出现了 Trent哈哈哈哈纯情drama处男 “now if you’ll excuse me, daddy’s gotta go get scolded.”trent生气这里也太可爱了 什么金毛大狗狗!!呆滞的时候被塞毛毛虫糖忽悠;“You’re not allowed to make(哭腔) a new best friend there”Eleano和他的cp也超级可爱!“And frankly, this energy is very unsexy to me, and I’m walking away.” 对于paxton,可以引用Penny的话:“You’ve destroyed my ability to tolerate idiots.”By being a dream. A free boink.