来自网友【一间自己的房间】的评论看了第一集还想说什么鬼,怎么就和gang crime混到一起了,可能kelli要走,又来个新人吧。前一季还挺喜欢kelli的,专业又酷飒的美感,这一季突然又变得脆弱破碎了,编剧意图不要太明显……后面三集感觉又回来了,目前看喜欢第三集,“ Opposites attract,dysfunction attracts harder ” & “ Sometimes diamonds just make a girl go blind ” 不能再赞同。“Everybody's got monsters in their closet”. the point is “What do you want to do about it?” 很喜欢&感激蓝血字幕组的字幕😄第四集又是《room》,太可怕的同时又麻木了。
来自网友【meowmeowmeow】的评论Used to be a big fan. Then they started killing the regulars one by one. And now it's just another woke tv show. Had to quit.